Clientraw parser query

I have been looking at the parser page Ballaugh Weather - Your Station Clientraw All Files
And the clientraw daily lines 261-288 show the correct values but not the correct units ie show celsius instead of hPa and the conversion is showing C to F instead of hPa to inhg
Have tried looking in the php files to see if I can fix it but have not been able to make any sense of them
When checked on Ken’s online parser they show ok

I don’t have that parser page (wxclientraw.php) at all :confused:

EDIT: Found it (Saratoga > Legacy scripts > Relayweather) :grinning:

You may have an ancient version of those scripts.

Here’s the definition files I use on my site for the TNetWeather version of those.
They’re in the lang/en/ directory. Don’t know if this will help for you. (15.2 KB)

Hi Ken
Compared your files with the ones in the legacy download and the type.php is the faulty one will upload later

Confirmed. But your labels.php is also more recent than the legacy download?

yeah noticed that label.php was newer so uploaded all now looks ok
thanks Ken

Note that clientrawhour page is still headed “Relay, Maryland” :wink:

That I’ll sort tomorrow evening

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