ClientFTP doesn't start after Weather-Display has started


Hmm - if I’m not wrong… when I restart my computer and I start Weather-Display - the clientftpuploader doesn’t start automatically for me - I mean the programm which is uploading the clientraw.txt file to my server for weather-display live for example.

I have to go to the Control Panel → then I have to go to the ClientFTPUploader Setup and just click “OK” there to leave that setup. After I also leave the control panel with “OK” - the ClientFTPuploader starts. Is that ok? Or do I made something wrong?

Or are my settings somehow wrong?

If anybody a solution for me - please tell me. Thank you!


so, you have ticked, in the real time ftp setup, enabled real time ftp uploads?
also, though, check you have the main internet switch ON under the connections setup , in the ftp/internet setup

the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program starts up ok for me automaticly…

Hello Brian

Ok - I explain to you what I have to do after I have booted my computer/windows.

Each time when I have started my computer and I start also Weather-Display - I have to do these steps - looks like some settings aren’t “saved” correctly or somehow not updated/loaded - I do not know why.

Ok - after Weather-Display has started I have to go to

  1. Setup
  2. Control Panel
  3. Webfiles/webpage Realtime FTP/SVG Setup
  4. I do nothing in that window - no changes - I just leave immediately this window with the “OK” button after it has opened - and what a surprise - the clientrawrealtimeftp program starts and uploads my clientraw.txt file to the my website.

Really - I only have to “visit” that window/setup and click “OK” - and then everything works like it should - mysterious - I know - but it looks like some settings are just “activated” after hitting “OK”.

The same counts for the Summary-Image Setup

  1. Setup
  2. Control Panel
  3. Summary Image Setup
  4. After the Summary Setup windows has opened - I do not make any changes - I just leave immediately this window/setup with the “OK” button and then everything is ok for me. If I do not do it that way - I get with each update on my website the “default” summary image - and not the one with my settings - again mysterious - but that’s the way I have to do it.

I do not know what is wrong - maybe my settings aren’t saved correctly in my wdisplay.ini file or in my registry - or - maybe - these settings aren’t correctly loaded when Weather-Display starts - I do not know - really.

I hope you understand what I mean - and maybe you know what I make wrong or what I have to change - Thank you!


try checking under view, program error log for any errors at start up
(which cause parts of the start up sequence to not occur)


Thx for the advice - and I have found the “problem”. One of the files - which Weather-Display has to load/save/create/change at the startup-sequence was somehow write-protected - therefore I guess Weather-Display was not able to load all settings at the start.

After I have change the status of the file and I have rebooted my computer - everything works now when I start Weather-Display - perfect!

Thx again for the help - wow - I’m impressed how much I have learned in the last days about this great Software - Thank you very much!


good for you !
it took someone else 6 months to find that very sort of problem!