- I have had for over a year WD (now Ver.10.10s) running on a Win98 system as a WD-Server doing the multicast on port 333 to one Win98 system and one XP system which are set up as clients. This is all on a home LAN running as a P2P network. It has been working normally except once in a while having problems with new versions of WD.
I purchased and have installed a server running Windows Server 2003. The above computers are presently set up (WD server/client wise) the same. All is working normally with these three above. But, I want to run WD as a server on the Win Server 2003 system. Before I move everything over I thought I would try to just have the Win. Server 2003 system loaded with WD and run as a client. Just to make sure things are talking. But the server will not receive the multicase info from the Win 98 system that is running WD as a server. Again two other system on my LAN set up as clients are working normally.
I can ping, share files, and otherwise talk to and from all systems on the LAN.
On the Win.Server 2003 system, in the WD Client/Server set up page, if I check “The data is from over the Internet” and I set the URL to the IP address of a computer that is generating a clientraw.txt file I can get that data to update the Win.Server 2003 system but not using the normal client/server multicast config.
I am pretty sure the problem is with the Win. Server 2003 system and may be related to the firewall that is set up and running in Windows Server 2003. But not sure how to configure it to get multicast to work with WD.
If anyone has an idea I could sure us the help.