If I save the graph history of a day it shows me the day vom 23 h (from the day before) till 23 h (of the saved day) and not from 0 till 24 h.
What’s wrong?
Also it will be very good, if the headline of the graph (with “weather diagram” CR “Current last 24 hours: ”) is not cutted resp. will be the same as in the automated generated day-graph-file(s).
Is this possible?
i think i just have the hour numbers along the bottom of the graph in correct, i.e it should start at zero and end at zero, not start at 23, end at 23
i.e the data should actualy be midnight to midnight
i will fix/improve the heading for you
ok, i have the date on the grpah, and I have fixed the time…it was being adjusted by the current hour you viewed the graph history