Why pass the amp validator when the script passes the W3C validator? If you consider AMP validation essential, feel free to revise the script so that it meets AMP requirements. I’m not much into social media myself - yeah I know, I’m a troglodyte.
I’m with you there, Jerry. Dumped the accounts I had some time ago.
I don’t, but Google considers AMP validation essential.
Here’s what I found regarding Google and AMP that gives me pause:
“The AMP format is supported by a wide variety of platforms, including Google Search. If a web page listed in Google’s search results has a valid AMP version, Search may direct mobile users to the cached AMP.”
This doesn’t work very well for most weather web site pages for which caching is their bane.
Can someone take a look a my cell advisories page and maybe tell me why I am still getting all the zones from my old station.
$myZC = array(
“Portland Metro|ORZ006”,
These are my current zones in settings.php, nws-alerts-config.php and nws-alerts-config-cell.php.
This is what is coming up on:http://www.vancamweather.com/cell-advisories.php,
Coastal Duval County
No alerts No alerts
Coastal Nassau County
No alerts No alerts
Inland Duval County
No alerts No alerts
Inland Nassau County
No alerts No alerts
St. Johns County
No alerts No alerts
My main page is working correctly.
Try this…
$myZC = array(
“Portland Metro|ORZ006”
Thanks for the replies Mark.
Found the problem.
Had to dig deeper into cache files.
Thanks again
updated zip with latest advforecast2.php, forecast-summary.php, forecast-discussion.php (Thanks Ken!!) Note this is still v4.03 of the advforecast. I havent switched to the new JSON one, I might later…
Thanks, TMan! Fixed the forecast discussion which was the last missing piece of the cell scripts.
Thanks for the update!
I’m running this on my site and having an issue with “yesterday’s high/low” temps. When the page first loads, the correct temps are there, as soon as the ajax update fires, the numbers go green and then change to NaN. The time of the high/low is correct and doesn’t change. Anyone have any ideas on what I’m missing? I’ve been looking for hours and can’t figure it out. Klemmes Corner, IN Weather
Everything looks fine to me. All temps are displaying as they should.
I am currently moving my site from one host to another. When I transferred, the cell script showed errors.
I have updated to the most current pages from the zip file. Could someone please help me with the
errors that I am receiving? Let me say in advance that my PHP skills are somewhat lacking
Attached are the errors that I am receiving. The site will be located at lakealanhenrywx.com .
Thanks so much !!
i would have to see all of your cell files to see what it is reading in… its probably a simple typo but if all you did was move thats weird.
Attached are the cell files that I am using. I did recently update my main site to the latest
Saratoga files. I have been updating the cell files from your zip file on page 1 of this thread
trying to figure it out. As I said, my php knowledge is quite lacking so I have not been able to
figure it out. It could very well be that I am missing something somewhere. Thank you for
taking a look at it.
CELL FILES.zip (258 KB)
i will look at this, let me see what i can find… i need to update to the latest saragota also and see if that breaks anything… i try to keep them in sync but sometimes the new versions break something and i have to update stuff on my end…
Ok, great, THANK YOU so much !!
part of the problem i currently have is there is no alerts for where i live… so i either need to change my settings somewhere to create an alert… i just updated my saratoga scripts to the latest versions, it was all minor stuff, but there was 2 cell files affected.
what puzzles me is that the version of the nws-alert-cell and config were very old that were posted so not sure if i didnt update they or something else. i need to figure out if this fixes your problem. this is updated to the lastest saratoga version then updated for the cell changes.
try these 2 files – this assumes you have all the latest saratoga stuff updated elsewhere…
let me know if this fixes it or breaks it still. if it breaks it i will try to change my location so nws generates a warning so i can see whats going on.
nws-alerts-for-cell.zip (18.1 KB)
Thank you so much! This fixed the errors I was receiving on the main page (cell.php).
All is working great there. Now the only error I am getting is on the cell advisory page.
I attached the error that I am getting.
I also noticed that of an evening, after the sun goes down and the UV switches to the
forecast, it is spaced very wide that you have to scroll way right off the normal size of the
cell look. I will capture it tonight, it also shows an error.
Again, thank you so much !!!
looks like there was another change in the cell-nws-alerts-summary-inc.php file… i must have changed a few files and never uploaded them. ugh. lets see if this fixes things and then ill upload the package again…
attachment is php file make sure you rename it.
cell-nws-alerts-summary-inc.txt (5.04 KB)