CBS is going to air Part 1 of it’s big storm disaster movie tonight. I’m sure the disaster will be the science involved (much like Day After Tomorrow).
A few days shy of retiring from his job as chief meteorologist for the National Weather Service's storm prediction center, Andy Goodman (Dennehy) begins to follow three separate and potentially devastating weather systems--a cluster of tornadoes in the west, an unusually warm storm front in the south, and an Arctic system in the north. To help track the tornadoes in the west, which have already leveled Las Vegas, Andy enlists the aid of his friend and former colleague, "Tornado Tommy" (Quaid), an adventure tour operator who makes a living taking thrill-seekers up close and personal with twisters in Oklahoma's tornado alley.Unaware of the weather systems that threaten to destroy the city of Chicago, Amy Harkin (McKeon), a smart and ambitious local television journalist is focused on reporting on the record heat wave and drought that have crippled the city for six weeks. The city’s residents have been asked to reduce their energy consumption and have been warned by Secretary of Energy, Shirley Abbott (Wiest), that the outdated national power grid could fail at any moment, leaving hundreds of millions of people without power.
Mitch Benson (Gibson), Chief of Operations at Midwest Electric, a public utilities company, faces his own worst-case scenario when a severe thunderstorm destroys the city’s primary power generating plant. Mitch and Amy must then race against time and the deadly forces of nature to restore power to the city so the public, as well as emergency workers, can be warned about the devastating storms which Andy has been tracking.
Unfortunately, I’ll be watching American Football tonight and will be unable to see Randy Quaid’s fine acting. #-o