Had no trouble getting 1.08 to work. I’m a complete idiot with 2.01. I might be having the different domain thing going but for the life of me I don’t know how. I’ve changed the 2 lines in the index.html file. It comes up and says configuring and never gets past that. Comes up with an error oening the page. Looking at the activity monitor it is finding index2.html (If got name changed so 1.08 will contiune to work until I get this mess straighten out) and it’s finding wdl_config.xml. Web address is http:nivoloc.serveftp.net:8080/Weather/WD which is where it found the previous 2 files. It can’t find crossdomain.xml and it’s looking at http://www.nivoloc.serveftp.net:8080/crossdomain.xml which isn’t anywhere near where the weather pages are. Seems this is a little more difficult than just changing the 2 config lines in the index. Any help would be appreciated.
You’ve specified the config file is at http://www.nivoloc.serveftp.net:8080/Weather/WD/wdl_config.xml
but it doesn’t appear to be. It is at
though. Just remove the www bit from the index2.html file lines and all should be well.
I’M AN IDIOT. Yes, that’s the problem, I’m using a redirect that is a www address but the actual is just http:. . . brain fart. It’s working now, I’ll start playing around with it, but initially I’m getting the temp gage on top of the Barometer. I suppose with some experimenting that will go away?
Thanks for your help.
Yes you can reposition and resize just about everything with the config file - enjoy!