Cant get to this website from home network.

Guess I can’t access this from home.

It was down completely from here around 8:00 AM, no ping response.

What is the IP address of your home PC? The server has it’s own firewall so I suppose it’s possible that your IP address is being blocked. I’m not aware of any specific reasons why addresses from a major ISP should be blocked though. If I have your address (send it via PM if you want) then I’ll check the config files and log files to see if I can see anything from it. If you can give me an idea of a time (preferably in GMT to avoid time zone confusion!) when you tried to access the server that will help me to search the logs.

I dont think the packet storms are likely to be blocking your access. They are intermittent and there are periods of fast access between the storms.

I’ve not given up on you yet!

How many hours time difference are there between you and me? The server seems to have gone down some time between 1600 and 1700. I thought this was a controlled shutdown by the hosting company who were investigating the packet storms, but I’m not 100% sure now. More investigations needed :frowning:

[quote author=administrator link=topic=6441.msg42983#msg42983 date=1102099366]
How many hours time difference are there between you and me? The server seems to have gone down some time between 1600 and 1700. I thought this was a controlled shutdown by the hosting company who were investigating the packet storms, but I’m not 100% sure now. More investigations needed

I think this has now been fixed. Robert’s IP address is in the 70.* range which was reserved by IANA until January’04. My firewall is configured to block access from reserved ranges because they are often used to mount denial of service attacks. I’ve now modified the reserved ranges, so I’m hoping that Robert should be able to log in when he gets home this evening.

If anyone else is running a firewall that blocks reserved ranges, I’d advise you to check that the list is up to date. Quite a few previously reserved blocks have been released by IANA this year.

Works now. Now back to lurkdom… j/k. Actually I’m off to find the correct forum to post a question on my new Davis Vantage Pro 2 I just bought.
