Chow, Thank you very much I thought you would have to have a certain pinout, so that is great, I have plenty of serial cables.
the software is good news also w/ the 2310 you need Heavy Weather software for WD.
I found the thread with the pin lay-out:
If you have a test system up and running it’s useful, I guess. Or if you want more CustomScreens .
Hope you find a suitable one!
WD does work directly with the 2310 , with out the need for heavy weather running
but, you can use heavy weather to catch up on lost /missed data, and now (in a new vers of wd) get wd to catch up too via the heavy weather history.dat file (i.e run heavy weather, let it catch up (when wd is not running) then start wd, and in the data logger setup, set to use the file (select it and tick to use, and set the time/date to get the data from…and also set to do this auto at start up (and turn the main switch on, on that setup screen)
Brian & Chow:
Thank you for the information, I have been running Heavy weather in the back with my WDisplay,but I am still using ver. 10.23c,“scared to upgrade” I only did it once and messed up then I had to flood this forum with questions to see what I did wrong.I like to use this WMR968 Station as a backup or compare readings if I can get it going.
Thanks Again - jhobby
I’ve never had the feeling anyone cared if many questions were asked (although you’re expected to use the search-button a lot when you start, but that’s the same with every forumsite).
As for upgrading, I useally wait until I really have to … never had a problem (but have all this stuff only running for about two months). And by posting I learned a lot in just a short periode of time.
Have you had v.light rain / drizzle since you put on your 31cm funnel?
If so,did it record ?
Also, have you had heavy rain to test whether the gauge tipping rate is too great with the increased funnel size?
??? Does that mean you have no barometric readings on your weather station when it gets below 14 F? I was considering a WMR968 for my home, but we spend most of the winter below 14F…
First: I’ve no real comparison between a ‘before’- and ‘after’-situation. I put the 29cm (it’s smaller than they said it was when they sold it to me :() nearly at once on my rain gauge after installing the gauge.
It seems to registers very light rain, but I need to have more times that kind of rain to be abslolutely sure (when it did rain lighty, it went from light rain to rain, so …).
Today we had 2.7mm/min … I wasn’t at home at the time. For The Netherlands this is rather extreme weather this time of year. I’ve registered 51.7mm uptill now, and that’s about the average for the month of July …
If I compare my readings with the other two stations have registered 58.2 (just outside town) and 52.0 (at the edge of the other side of town). I’m in the middle of town. I don’t think I’ve missed much. (I really need an extra set of instruments myself to compare ). You can see yourself on my website (choose “andere weerstations”).
there there was a mistake with that barometer and dew point bit…
software wil still work out the dew point below 14oF, but the station console display will just show —
Ah. So the the barometer will still work below 14F, then? It’s just the console display of the dew point that’s affected. Thanks.
the barometer is actualy from a separate indoor sensor
Hello: I posted #38 here and just got the WMR968 up on WDisplay, I was wondering if I left the WS2010 running will I have any conflict with them both running 433mhz wireless, the ws2010 won’t be running on wd, just as a reference for true temp. ,windspeed,and other reference ,not that I wouldn’t like them both on WD,don’t know though?
Thank you