I thought I saw a post somewhere lately, but can’t seem to find it.
I need to calibrate my WS-2310 rain guage.
In my last rain event, my console, WD, and my Davis rain guage all read quite differently.
My 4" manual guage froze last winter and do not have it for testing.
Is there a way to test and or calibrate my rain guage?
I see that the guage is a 0.1mm tip - I guess I could start by testing 10 tips to see what I register.
I have a ws2310 rain guage on my weather mast ( I know its not recommended practice!) however I liked the “look” of all my sensors up there! Anyway, I have 2 manual guages sited on other parts of the farm, over the last couple of days it has been quite windy and rainy, with some heavy falls. My WS2310 guage and both my manual guages all read to within 1mm of each other. I am pleased with the that sort of overall accuracy and can live with the minor discrepancies.
I have not set any offset or performed any calibration to the 2310 guage since I have had it, and reckon its accurate enough for what it is.
I thought I saw a post somewhere lately, but can't seem to find it.
I need to calibrate my WS-2310 rain guage.
In my last rain event, my console, WD, and my Davis rain guage all read quite differently.
My 4" manual guage froze last winter and do not have it for testing.
Is there a way to test and or calibrate my rain guage?
I see that the guage is a 0.1mm tip - I guess I could start by testing 10 tips to see what I register.
Any other solutions for calibration?
Found this by searching dejanews.com and thought maybe you could try it…
Measure inside diameter of gauge at top of the rim in mm.
Calculate area in square mm.
Multiply by 10 to calculate volume of water equivalentto a 10mm rainfall
Divide by 1000 to give vol in ml.
Check tipping buckets are completely empty.
Note reading on weather station console
Using a 10ml pipette, let water slowly trickle down side of gauge
Continue until weather station records 10mm.
Note vol of water used to give this reading and compare with the above
calculated vol for a 10mm rainfall.
Repeat several times and take an average reading
Make adjustments as detailed in Davis handbook if required.
I’ll do some more testing this weekend.
Now that I am “wired” maybe WD will keep up with the console - last rain event WD was way behind the console in rain accumulation - I ended up adding a 15% offset increase to get a little closer.
I’ve been using my Davis guage as a guide - maybe the Davis is off too.
More testing to come.
Brian, should I actually alter the offset in WD for the LAcrosse 2310 rain guage? Currently it is set to the default, and I have not changed it…interestingly the measurements from my WS2310 guage match closely the measurements from my farm manual guages. (maybe I should just leave it???)
What should the rainfall offset be for a 2310 self tip bucket?? :?:
Yeah - don’t touch it - especially since you’re so close to your other guages.
While not a great test, I did have a very small amount of rain today. I am running wired now.
My console, WD, and my Davis guage all agree with .06"
With my last rain event it was a long very hard rain. I’m thinking that since I had the station running wireless, and had WD set to wireless, I was actually missing some bucket tips or WD was not pulling the data quick enough for the fast rainfall.
Yeah dead right Brian, some big Cb and a bit of thunder in the hills towards the coast this afternoon (16.09.04). Accompanied by some squally shower activity… I was fencing… :?
OK I won’t touch the guage calibration!! lol
And snowman, i reckon your spot on regarding your wireless point and the WS2310. My station runs immeasurably better in wired mode, theres no way i would go back to wireless now. Just goes to show theres life in the old copper cable yet!!
Hows the weather this arvo down at the Heads Brian? Be a reasonable swell surely on the West coast? :?: Glad the console arrived back safely…I gave it heaps of bubble wrap and tape to be sure!