Calibrating Rain Gauge WS2310/WS2305

Hi at all and Brian,

im using a wired WS2305 (la Crosse) and have a modified Rain Gauge, so the new Calibration Factor ist 0.151 (default is 0.518 per tip). Im also have modified the Calibration Factor in the WS2305 to the new one with a little Program called WS2300 Statistik from Rainer Stein so the Display from the Station shows the correct amount of Rain.
When i beleave the Rain Gauge tip in WD to 1.0 WD never shows any Rainfall. When i set the tip to 0.3, 0.6, 1.5, 2.0… WD also never show any Rainfall, but when i set the tip to 3.0 WD show the Rainfall near doubled, what means when it Rains 0.3mm WD show 0.6mm. So in fact of this Situation i tried to set the increase Factor in WD to -50% and now WD shows the Rainfall near to the real Data, but i think that cant be the right way to set up WD with a modified Rain Gauge. Is it possible that the modified Calibration Factor in the WS 2305 is the Problem?

Has anybody a configuration like this and can help me to set up WD right?
Or is there a Problem in WD when the Calibration Factor in the Station is not 0.518 (Factory default).

Is it possible for you to test a configuration like this?

Thanks for your help

:oops: and sorry for my english but i do my best.