From Senate bill about a proposed Freedom of Information Act exemption
Land remote sensing information provided by the head of a department or agency of the United States to a State or local government may not be made available to the general public under any State or local law relating to the disclosure of information or records...The committee recommends a provision that would exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), (section 552 of title 5, United States Code), data that are collected by land remote sensing...The exemption would also include any imagery and other product that is derived from such data.
as the weather satellites mostly belong to USA does this mean that tv forcasting over the world will have to rely on people like use
this act is alarming
The exemption would also include any imagery and [b]other product that is derived from such data[/b]
as the weather satellites mostly belong to USA does this mean that tv forcasting over the world will have to rely on people like use
...could be an opening for WD
Brian…please, please, please can I be in charge of counting backwards from 10 :director: and pressing the big red button to launch WD-SAT-1? :propellerhead:
one reason why i download the metars from noaa as i have not found a uk site to get them from
what happens if noaa is not available to the public any more
Putting paranoia aside that’s not really what this is all about. What is is about is limiting the ability of anyone to use a FOIA request to force your friend and mine, the US goverment, to release to them any satellite pic that they want, as in “Yo, here’s my credit card, my FOIA request, gimme a high resolution sat pic of Los Alamos Nuclear Labs for my buddy Osama or I’ll file a lawsuit”.