check the log file, for that time/date
in fact you can use the correct data in the view, averages/extreme and jump to that time, and correct it
it might be just 1 glitch…
Apologies for raising the question of this as a bug.
Rechecked the logfiles (still finding my way around this program) and sure enough did see a glitch over a 4 minute period (i.e. 4 readings) where 7% was recorded. Rest of the month looked good
So I wanted to change the data.
Opened up the logfile viewer/correct data screen.
Loaded the logfile, it freezes at day 24.
So I loaded a previous month, freezes(i.e. says “working”) at day 24.
So I can’t edit day 27 when the glitch occured, unless I manually go in with Wordpad and correct it from there as the file is correct in length and data, but the logfile viewer won’t go past day 24 (varies between 1AM and 4AM on months)for some reason.
Also noticed in the log file viewer that it’s possible to jump to a date, that is beyond day 24, but this stops again at 24, never going beyond.,Also did see that it’s possible to enter more than 59 in the minutes entry selector there.
Is it possible that it’s not reading the correct file as the logfile is intact, or is it unable to read a file that large(2.994Mb)??
I have managed to get it to go to a specific minute shown on the correct data screen, select it to go to the next minute and there’s no data, visible in the Selected line data screen.
I’ve now tried this on three months data, and have the same effect, nothing past the 24th seems to be editable.
I’ve gone back to 9.95e, because of the disk activity, and still find that the log files wont load past day 23.
I wondered if you got the log file I sent to you, and had any thoughts??