I thought you had your hands full with WD .
that is so strange, and yet i keep telling it to do dumb things… :oops:
well, I hope he likes this as a change from the cow suit.
Brian is a man of many talents… :o
Tb 8O
How the heck does that work? Is it simply a bunch of videos “seemed” together?
Greg, there’s some info here including a link to a site tracking what it will and won’t do
http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,63053,00.html and apparently it now won’t do some things that it would before.
came across, could be the truth in a few years…
Brian was helping one of his cows give birth, when he noticed his 4-year-old son standing wide-eyed at the fence, soaking in the whole event. Brian thought, “Great…he’s 4 and I’m gonna have to start explaining the birds and bees. No need to jump the gun - I’ll just let him ask, and I’ll answer.”
After everything was over, Brian walked over to his son and said, “Well son, do you have any questions?”
“Just one.” gasped the still wide-eyed lad. “How fast was that calf going when he hit that cow?”
I’m still laughing at this one …
Just one." gasped the still wide-eyed lad. “How fast was that calf going when he hit that cow?”
Well folks, I will have to admit that’s a good one…
Tb 8)