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i cant remember which thread, but herb, re the moon date, sometimes you do not get a moon rise or set on the current day (i.e it was the day before or is on the next day
re the lotto:
so, you must know a winning number then?
Sorry about NOT knowing the winning numbers, guys.
After all, it’s your countrymen that pull the BALLS. 8O
It’s just my system that the results get recorded into.
Actually, I’m not allowed to play the Lottery.
I have to get my action at the Casinos in Atlantic City New Jersey,
Las Vegas, Nevada and the World’s Largest Casino, Foxwoods in
Conneticut, which is 28 miles from my home.
Since you guys are a day ahead of me, and in my future, there would
be a better chance if you gave ME the numbers
Next weeks draw powerball must be won
It will be $17 million NZ ( largest to-date )
you better take those numbers ( get the 10 number combo )
oh , the extra number will be 40 .
may as well maximize the winnings
I saw these numbers in my dream 8O
US $116M you could buy a small island here ( with your own shopping centre )
How come the US lottery limit is so high ?
is there a point where it must be won.
Hope you didn’t spend any of your winnings yet.
We weren’t even close.
I won’t be buying a 2nd copy of WD.
Last night’s PowerBall was 12-20-24-25-48 PB=37
The PB=7 you gave me was Wednesday’s PB.
We need a better system.
In the US, there are 21 PowerBall States.
Jackpots are based on population playing, something you don’t have.
$116 Million is really not too high. There is no limit on how high it gets.
Jackpot was not hit. It will be $137 Million Wednesday night.
I think the starting point is somewhere around 50 Million.