Some time back i added a link at the bottom of my “Sun” block to display solar conditions. I made it refer to image_popups, added a section there and it has worked just fine. It looks like this:
Now i want to change it to bring up the wxspace.php page running on my site. So, i change the link to refer to it and it works fine, but the background is transparent and i want it to be opaque (preferably white) and i can’t figure out how to make that happen. Suggestions?
I would change it to html page do the changes (background black, text white) then save as wxspace.php page again, but make a copy before any changes.
But someone will tell you the code for php I think
So, i added style to the wxspace.php which fixed the transperancy, but instead of ‘mere’ popup i added it to frames and then referenced the frame ‘name’ in the Sun block in PWS_Blocks and this gives more better exactly what i was looking for.
Its still in the main Menu, but also on the Sun block and gives a full size frame with a white background. Perfect!
Well, i could but am going to leave it this way for a while. Herrman’s data is always slow to update. Especially the Xray flux (solar flare in prgress) and the Bz+Solar Wind (what the Kp will do shortly). For radio nerds (like me) flares in progress is handy to know why we can’t hear anything. Saves me the trip into the yard to see if my tower fell over . A solar flare spikes D layer absorbtion and all the bands go dead within 8 minutes until the flare subsides.
BTW, i am watching to see what your Error 003 turns out to be.
I am a bit surprised. I am also a bit surprised mine is working. I commented out the lines pointing to settings and config, as i am not running the underlying template it, otherwise, relies on. The only files in my wxspace directory are the ones from the download package. There is not more than a couple dozen files and the image files seem to be getting updated on a regular basis. So, I dont find the cached images onerous in the wxspace directory. They are not going into the root, they are being saved into wxspace.
I also added a link to SWPC 1 minute GOES X-ray data. I can’t find, poking around SWPC images directory, a graph of that portion of the summary separate from the whole thing. I’d rather do that than just “Click here” but, ce la vie. As i noted before, Herrman was saying X-ray flux was C5.6 (or something) when, in fact, a minor flare was in progress and it was actually M1.9. RIght now he says C6.5, but its in fact C5.2.
You are fine running it in a separate directory, it’s just that I uploaded all the files to my main Saratoga directory and I just think it’s laziness/bad practice to expect files to be cached in that directory too.