Big, big crash!


I just downloaded version 10.16b (beta) and when opening, the following message appeared: “WeatherD has generated erros and will be closed by Windows”. I tried to open it again, the result was the same. I downloaded the full version and there was no difference. Now, I’m working with version 9.97c, that I had by fortune in another folder, since downloading these new versions I overwriten the 10.16 I had before.


I also had the same problem. In fact the program becomes unresponive and you. I could not even end task and had to reboot.


In my case, even rebooting doesn’t solve anything. Whenever I try to open WD, it just goes down. Just for helping Brian, I’m running Windows 2000 and my station is a Monitor II.


i think i know what it might be
did you have pad out the data at start up enabled under extra/misc?

or have in use the data extraction at start up

if so, then try a new 10.16b download…as i have updated it…i think it might be to do with the updating of extracted or padded out data
let me know

Good morning, Brian (it’s 8:00 in the morning, here…)

Well, I did what you asked me to, but the beta 10.16b didn’t work at all. But notice this: I installed 9.97c again, to be shure that I didn’t have enabled the pad out data or the logging extraction when the program starts. And it’s true, I didn’t have them ticked. But I did a little experiment: as I had the data logging ticked for 1 minute, as recommended, but never had clicked on “set”, I did it. I had a “generated errors” immediatly, but I started 9.97c again and everything runned ok. The strange thing is that I closed WD, opened PCLink and download data, and there was no data since the last update, about 0:00 AM. And now, the data logging was a 1 minute interval. But it is true that I find now, that all this time I had PClink logging in a 30 minutes basis (the data proves it), even if I had WD ticked for 1 minute interval. I don’t know if this is important or not, but the truth is everything was ok till version 10.16b.
By the way, I just tried 10.16c, and the problem remains, so I’m running 9.97c again.

While we try to figure out what this mistery is, is it possible for you or for someone to email me a 10.16 version, since I miss a lot of good things, lol?

Cheers and thanks for the help


Good morning, Brian (it’s 8:00 in the morning, here…)

Well, I did what you asked me to, but the beta 10.16b didn’t work at all. But notice this: I installed 9.97c again, to be shure that I didn’t have enabled the pad out data or the logging extraction when the program starts. And it’s true, I didn’t have them ticked. But I did a little experiment: as I had the data logging ticked for 1 minute, as recommended, but never had clicked on “set”, I did it. I had a “generated errors” immediatly, but I started 9.97c again and everything runned ok. The strange thing is that I closed WD, opened PCLink and download data, and there was no data since the last update, about 0:00 AM. And now, the data logging was a 1 minute interval. But it is true that I find now, that all this time I had PClink logging in a 30 minutes basis (the data proves it), even if I had WD ticked for 1 minute interval. I don’t know if this is important or not, but the truth is everything was ok till version 10.16b.
By the way, I just tried 10.16c, and the problem remains, so I’m running 9.97c again.

While we try to figure out what this mistery is, is it possible for you or for someone to email me a 10.16 version, since I miss a lot of good things, lol?

Cheers and thanks for the help


its a commen thing that the data logging interval is set to only 30 minutes…also note that ticking 1 minute , you also need to click on set, and then you should see a success!

anyway, that does not look to be the problem
so instead it must be say a bad data file
as a test, exit wd
then rename the datafiles folder, and then start up wd…

also, as a tet, try the win95/nt versin, as its an older version, 10.12

I just did it, renamed to datafiles1, started WD again, and there was a new datafiles folder. Then, I installed 10.16c, but it crashed again, even with the new datafiles folder… :cry:


ok, its not the datafiles
it then must be something in the ini file
bring back the old datafiles
and then email me the file
from c:\windows or c:\winnt
and also, wdisplayftp.reg from the folder databackup, after going action, back up registry now
and i will see if i can duplicate it here

also, try starting without being connected to the weather station

the other folder to try the rename trick is your webfiles folder (or where you have set your webfiles folder)

Hi, all

As Brian is trying to solve this problem concerning version 10.16c and WMII, I ask you the special favour of emailing me a 10.16 or 10.15 version, if someone has it.

Thank you very much

Hello Brian,

I just installed the latest. (c) and it still crashes here. ONe common thing is that we both have WMII for the station.

I am going back to 10.16.


Not that this will help but here it is.

WEATHERD caused an exception 10H in module at 0000:00000000.
EAX=00000000 CS=0000 EIP=00000000 EFLGS=00000000
EBX=00000000 SS=0000 ESP=00000000 EBP=00000000
ECX=00000000 DS=0000 ESI=00000000 FS=0000
EDX=00000000 ES=0000 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:

I reinstalled version 10.16 and the problem is not there it works fine.

I did not try 10.16a so the error may have been introduced there or in 10.16b

I will also send you my ini file for comparison.


Thank you for version 10.16, Gary. Brian is sleeping now, but tomorrow he will face this issue again. He has being doing some tests and I think is very close to undestand the problem. With your previous replies, he will have a lot more of information.


awake now
it looks like its an issue only affecting davis WMII, and using meteobrantes raw data, i have been able to also duplicate a crash, a divide by zero error
so i now need to find out why and what i changed!!!


i have found it

it affected all davis users, except the davis VP

and it was simply becuase i had the weather station setup not set the rain gauge type unless it was a davis station,so as not to confuse other station owners, but I only hooked it into the VP setup

so the rain gauge type was not set, and so it was set as zero by default, leading to a divide by zero

uploading 10.16d which fixes that bug, now

Hi, all

I just downloaded version 10.16d and WD is working nice and smoothly. Brian, you are the creator of an excellent software, but you are also an excellent man. You care about the people who prefered WD. Thank you very much.
