Best direction to point a weather camera?

I have some lights on my house that I am replacing, and they have a glass globe, kinda like a fish bowl. I am going to take the globe and mount it to a wood base. I should be able to mount the camera and small solar panel inside the glass dome, and the battery can hang on the underside of the base or mounted to my tower next to the camera.

That’s my plan anyways…should know more after I receive the camera.


Maybe you could post picture when you get it all done.

I am waiting for my satellite internet to get installed and then I need to get my servers up and running again. Once things settle down and I get the webcam built and tested and mounted I will be sure to post a pic.


I don't know if the X-10 has an auto-iris or not

Unless the design has changed dramatically in the last 2 years, it doesn’t, and I’ve never seen a cheap camera that has it.

I’ll be interested to see the output from your camera when you get it though…perhaps the quality will have improved significantly since I got mine.

Well I received the X-10 camera today. Didn’t take long to discover it has problems.

My wireless network makes the video un-usable. Too much interference.

The wireless video camera antenna is attached to the part of the camera that pans/tilts. Not a good idea when it needs to point directly at the receiving antenna. It is possible to rotate the antenna and completely lose the video signal. Seems strange to design it the way they did.

The actual video is composite signal running into my ATI video card. The quality of the video is, in my opinion, no better than my crappy 6 year old webcam. If I knew how to post the image here I would. If someone wants to see it drop me an email and I will send you a jpg or bmp of an image capture.

I also don’t have a way to automate an image capture with this camera so I could use it with WD. Most likely would require an additional piece of software.

I do think the camera could be used outside with little fuss. It appears to be sealed up and pretty good all around. Just keep water from actually hitting it and should be fine.


X-10 has free download software for the camera, X-Ray Vision.

X-10 has free download software for the camera, X-Ray Vision.

Thanks for that info Rick. I will download the software and check it out.

When I have more time I will play with it some more. The pan/tilt is a neat function. Might hook it up to my TV, and away from my wireless hub, and see if I can get a cleaner picture.

I wouldn’t recommend this camera for anyone who wants really good video quality. But for a cheap wireless camera with pan/tilt where quality is not that important I think it would work fine.

I am going to see if I can remove the antenna and position it to the camera base instead of the moving camera. The antenna is very sensitive to being pointed directly at the receiver. Why they put in on the moving parts in mind-boggling :slight_smile:


Here’s an awesome webcam.

I think its somewhere in Norway. Perhaps somebody can translate. There are time lapse MPEG4 videos available, they are stunning. If you have the download bandwidth even the small one is really nice to watch.

If I knew how to post the image here I would.


upload the image to your webspace and then link to it from here using the “img” button when writing a new message. see if that works.

Here's an awesome webcam. [](

I think its somewhere in Norway. Perhaps somebody can translate. There are time lapse MPEG4 videos available, they are stunning. If you have the download bandwidth even the small one is really nice to watch.

Very nice. It’s using a Nikon Coolpix 995 which is a regular 3 megapixel single image digital camera with open source “photopc” software

A couple of years ago I tried the X-10 camera and ended up returning it due to the fact my phone system (wireless) was operating on the same frequency as the cameras. I wasn’t able to fine tune the frequency to avoid the interference enough as the camera’s pictures were distorted so bad you couldn’t distinguish what the camera was showing.

Something to consider if you have a 2.4 Mhz wireless phone system.

I moved the camera and hooked it up to my TV. I managed to get rid of the interference from my WAP but the quality still lacks.

I will keep the camera and mess with the settings, if nothing else it will make a nice security camera as I build an x-10 system.


That kind of picture quality looks familiar :cry: I wonder if anyone has ever managed to get the kind of quality of picture they show on their web site?