Battery Check

Could anyone please tell me were the battery check facility is now as I can not find it.


Are you talking about the location to turn on the battery check? If so try Setup > Control Panel > Weather warning/email. Look on the left side near the bottom of the form.

or in the “view” panel

5th row down, 2nd in from the right is the icon to view current battery status. Click on that.

Thanks grhughes I now have A battery check Icon back but the email Warning setup icon is no longer there. why Brian had to hide it I don’t know it did work before.


how do you mean hide the email warning setup icon?
its still there, its on the control panel…(ie setup, control panel) :wink:

Brian I have now found it :oops: it’s a long time since I had to go in to the settings and you have made a lot of changes in there but all’s well now.
