Barometer settings


I’m new to all this, but have recently purchased an OS WM928N anhd have d/l the latest WD s/w.

Everything seems to be registering ok, apart from the pressure. It changes ok on the WM928N, but stays at a constant 1013mb on WD - I have tried changing the offsets, but that didn’t work. I even deinstalled WD and reinstalled, but that didn’t work either.

Any suggestions.


Hi and welcome -

firstly check what weather station type you have selected in the WD control panel - I have selected the WMR918N/WMR968/WMR928(N) option (the third one) which works fine for me.

But some have said selecting the second option WMR918N works best for them so you could try that one too.

So your 928N console is showing the correct pressure and changes ok (and you have 61Mb set as an offset in WD?)

Is the data quality light green on the main WD screen (down the bottom underneath the time)?

Hope this helps


Hi Martyn,

Thanks for your reply.

I’ve had a play with the settings and this wot appears to be happening;

IF I set the station on WD to be WN918 (2nd in list) it gives correct information (outside temp, wind speed/dir, humidity etc.) and get GREEN light on DATA quality. BUT I do not get correct reading from Barometer. It constantly shows 1013mb, even though the pressure at the moment is 997mb. If double checked the offsets etc and they are set to 61mb. I also do not get ANY reading for indoor temp - it just display 0c.

IF I set the station on WD to be the last one on the list all i get is the indoor temp and the correct pressure reading. It also does not give me a GREEN or RED light for data quality - its left greyed out. It also does not update the graphs.

It appears that with one setup I get one set of readings, and with the other I get the missing ones from the original setup.

As you can see I am a bit confused 8O

Is there a config file that I can send you to check the setup ?

Thanks for your help.

sounds like the second option in the station list (WMR918) is the one to use for you then but the third should be ok too - hummmm.

1013mb in WD is a default reading that is displayed when no reading has been gotten from the station itself.

So just to check - the main 928N console is showing the pressure and indoor temp/hum correctly (not ----) so that it is receiving data from the indoor temp/hum/baro unit?

If not then you may have to hold down I think the “CHANNEL” function to get the console to rediscover the data signals?
If it is then there seems to be something amiss in either the station setup/config in WD - or a com port problem to prevent WD from picking up the data for pressure.

Brian (program’s developer) may be able to pick up on this when he gets back from his trip away. I am not sure where the problem lies especially if you get a data quality light that is green? This seems to indicate that the barometer data is ok but WD is not displaying it.

I am going to rebuild a PC 2morrow am - and install all s/w etc… onto it.

I just hope WD can run on a P

Mine is running on 733 MHz, and was on 200 MHz before so you should be fine.

some things to check:
you have the correct weather station type selected (wmr918 or wmr968 (and restart wd in between)
and you have the barometer offset set at s stariting offset (for this station type) as 61 (hpa) under setup, control panel, barometer offset and rainfall (click on set, then yes to save settings))