My barometer is reading correctly in the current conditions but on the graph on the right side if I cursor over it it is reading 192.640 inches constantly. But if I don’t mouse over the graph then the current is correct.
do you live at altitude?
what is the raw value shown under the ws2010 data report setup?
i.e it may be too low and you will then need to set a barometer offset, under setup, control panel, barometer offset and rainfall
Wow…ok you lost me…
Yes I do live at altitude and I thought I set it up properly… My altitutde is 1750 feet. It does read correctly on the left side of the screen in current coditions…like right now it says 28.083… and on the right side in the graph area if I do not mouse over the graph then it will read correctly on the top of the graph however the plotted line is wrong and if Imouse over the graph following the plotted lines it reads in the 196 range on the top of the graph to correspond to the plotted line… (do you follow me??)
My raw unadjusted barometer is 953 hpa in the data report
what do you have set as the barometer offset under setup, control panel, barometer offset and rainfall?
you should have something like 60 (hpa) needed there to take the raw reading of 953hpa up to something that means you are not in the middle of a storm (the exact amount of barometer offset neeeded is the amount to get your reading as close as possible to your nearest official weather station
the barometer value before you mouse over is the current barometer value
Hi what do you have set as the barometer offset under setup, control panel, barometer offset and rainfall? you should have something like 60 (hpa) needed there to take the raw reading of 953hpa up to something that means you are not in the middle of a storm (the exact amount of barometer offset neeeded is the amount to get your reading as close as possible to your nearest official weather stationthe barometer value before you mouse over is the current barometer value
I had nothing in the barometer offset…so I put in 60 for now.
I understand that the barometer value before I mouse over is the current value however why is the graph so high even though the current barometer doesn’t match it ever?? I wish I could show you a picture of it but I can’t insert a picture on this forum from my computer…
forget it…LOL by doing the adjustment of 60…and then closing the program and reopening it the graph value came down after a few minutes to match the current value… so I guess it works now…
I am so confused…
Well now i guess I will let the program run for a few days to see how everthing else is running…
good news
good work
if you can find a nearby official barometer reading, then you can try adjusting that barometer offset to bring your reading more in line…
note, that , say, its 5 hpa too high, then the offset needs to be 55