Barometer offset in datalogger from La Crosse 2305

Until now I have run WD with La Crosse 2305, it runs perfect.

Since there are some power outages, I’ve tried to setup the WS2305 datalogger, but on the barometer graphs there is always a sudden change from the values, due to some art from offset. I see that WD has an offset for this, La Crosse has also a correction to sea level. I have played around with de values, but don’t still understand what is going, in particular, if I should change the offset in La Crosse station or not. Every thing I have tryed gives results that are inconsistent.

i have not actualy sat down and tried to work it out myself…but i am thinking the data extract routine uses the raw barometer value …and so , you need to apply an offset in the dataloggset setup (see under control panel) to get the barometer reading correct from the data from the datalogger
try that

I do not believe that is correct. After a power failure the datalogger recovered 56 minutes of data from my WS2315. Most data was correct, however there were instances where all readings were way out of range for 1 minute, especially windchill which went to 5176.3 8O
However the barometric pressure was a steady 29.339 for the entire perion when in fact the pressure rose from 30.108 to 30.122 over the time period.

Do I have something setup wrong?
Can I manually edit the erroneous data such as the windchill, temp, dewpoint etc which are all out of range for the one record?

which version of WD?
as I now have it where WD is using the barometer correctly (and uses your exsisting barometer offset in WD)


Perhaps I have found a clue you could chase down, perhaps just a coincidence. I downloaded and added version 10.21v tonight. I also took the opportunity to change some other things not related to WD, then restarted my system and WD started on restart. WD datalogger recovered 16 records for the period WD was not running.

Again one record contained some very erroneous information, temp, wind speed, etc. all wrong. The pattern? When this happened previously it was for the timestamp of 11:41 (AM) this morning. Tonight the record that was also off (and I believe was the same values) was for 23:41 or 11:41PM.

WS2315 and program are both configured for 24 hour clock display.

Additional info regarding the absolute vs. relative pressure adjusted for altitude this does not fit the results either. The absolute pressure here (elevation 2470 feet) is much lower than the data captured by the datalogger.