Hi Brian,
When the pressure drops below 1000 hPa there is a peak in the graph just till it rises above 1000 hPa. This is an example of the yesterdaygraph2.gif
Hi Brian,
When the pressure drops below 1000 hPa there is a peak in the graph just till it rises above 1000 hPa. This is an example of the yesterdaygraph2.gif
that is a over scale problem
i.e the data is ok, its just gone out the graph range
my range checking cant be working correct
zip and email me the data file month42004.inf or month52004.inf if may already
and i will have a look/fix
do you have a baro adjust, though, set in the graph setup?
I have set a baro adjust in the graph setup between 975 and 1045 hPa but it does seem to have no effect on the created gifs. I’ll send you the inf file.
For some reason the scale was changed between 1000 and 1055, I changed it again and now it should work fine.
Thanks anyway.