Averages/extremes - logfile viewer data missing

Hi Brian,
there must be something wrong with wd:

The NOAA style report is empty, also the right sreen of the averages.

The logfile viewer/correct data shows only data of 03/07 starting at 10.50 am. If I "load data of june, there are only data of 10/06 from 1.21 pm to 3.22 pm shown.

In the prog error log I could find this:

Resetting rain day value, day: 3
ERROR:I/O error 103 at time/date 12:00:02 03/07/04

an additional information: in the main settins I ticked “save logfiles at an seperate location”, also the datafiles.


No problems here
must be something you have not set up correctly
you say you have set a new location for the logfiles, under setup, general and misc
check that is correct
and also check you still have log file recording enabled, under setup, log file recording