AVe/Extremes creation time

I am looking to customise the creation time for my ave/extreme pages. My PC is off overnight and I dont want to have them created at 09:05 as per Aus/NZ. I want to have them created at a time of my choosing when my PC is on, and I want to have them created as if it were done at 00:05 which is the standard for the UK. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have not found any way to alter create times other than 00:05 or 09:05. At present I am manually clicking on the menu item to create, but this screws up the graphs etc.

Other than generating the information from your own raw data, I don’t think you can do that.

None of my PC’s get turned off at night or anytime for that matter. I’m curious as to why you are turning yours off.
The only thing that goes “off” are any monitors that are being used when a system has been idle for while.

My PC is in the bedroom and unless I could find a totally silent PC which does not exist AKAIK then off it goes at night!

I dont see why it could not be done to calculate the ave/extremes at another time. It just means that WD has to think about what it needs to do with the data, rather than assuming it is running at that time.

I also realise that I will have to persuade Brian about the validity of my case. I do however believe that there may be quite a few people now who need this capability now as they cannot run their PC’s 24/7. After all with a VP and datalogger there is no need to have the PC on 24/7, you do not miss any data, and with a Bluewave logger you can go quite a long time - close to 3.5 days at 1 minute intervals before the data wraps the logger storage.

That is true for most things but somethings need to be real time or they wont be accepted. For example, if you publish to either to CWOP or WeatherUnderground, they only take data realtime. You can’t catchup with those services. If you send data every 10 minutes, they chart every 10 minutes. If you only send data during the day, they will only chart what they received when you sent to them, so the night will be blank.

I can relate however… I used to have several computers in the “bedroom” which was my office at the same time for several years, and they were noisy.