Hi guys,
I’m back, picking brains again… I finally moved my s/w to the old laptop, a 133Mhz, 32Mb system that seems to support it well, but have a small problem. the move of data and pgms went fine, but I’m unable to get the ‘start with windows’ autostart function to work. Pro’lly a byproduct of the move. the question is, can I reinstall the program without doing damage ot my small history files and config, or am i just better off adding the program to my startup folder?
so you have already done setup > start when windows starts > yes ??
a reinstall may not sort out the problem - the autostart setting is held in wdisplay.ini which is in your windows directory
open that up and look for
[Auto start]
if the option is set to no then you can alter it to yes and see if that auto starts the program on startup, but yes you could also add it to the startup folder.
try reclicking on that start when windows starts,yes/reset, to reset it…that should work
(as its also an entry made in another part of the registry (the windows start up part) that will be missing on the new pc)
and or add a short cut to weatherd.exe to the windows start up folder