I have a La Crosse WS 2510 weather station. The information on the main display screen for Weather Display (version 10.10r) shows the values of the auto scale graphs and not the values displayed on the real time graphs. The real time values are correct. What are the auto scale graphs and how can I get the main display screen to display real time values? By the way the time and date values on the main screen are correct; however, the time scale for the graphs are considerably different. Thanks.
do you mean versioon 10.12r?
if you are still on version 10.10r, please try the latest version of wd (now 10.12t)
the time scale along the bottom of the auto scale grpahs assumes continours operation, for your weather station type, where the data is sometimes a bit hap hazard, then it will not be accurate…
but i will try to improve that soon
the time stamp on the real time graphs…well, the data all arrives only every 15 minutes…or every 5 minutes (and thats 5 lots of every 1 minute data) with the ws2500 pc separate data logger ( i recommend you get one of those)…but the time on the real time graph is the time that the data was updated…but it doesnt work from the data extration at start up…as the times all get to be the same…i.e the time of wd first start
i am little confused by posting actualy about what you are really trying to get across, though…
Thanks for responding. That helps me understand why the time scale on the main display does not correspond to the real time. I frequently have to turn off my computer so I am capturing data intermittenly. Unfortunately the posting was correct. I have version 10.10r (April 2004).
p.s. Sorry about posting this notice in “Bug Reports”. After I realized my error I reposted it under questions.
try 10.12t
it should be better for the time scale on the main screen graphs