August2004.htm and 2382004.gif web files types re-creation


How is it possible to have WD re-create (and re-export via FTP) the July2004.htm (daily reports) and 2372004.gif (daily graphs linked to August2004.htm) files types ?

It seems that after importing datas, these kind of files are not correctly (ie completly, with one

see under view, averages/extreme, then scroll right down, and there see to recreate the averages/extreme web page (and select the logfile)

Ok, thank you, it is working perfectly for the “July2004.htm” type HTML reports.

But the graphs linked to this type of HTML pages (ie 20040701.gif for the datas of july 1st 2004) are not created… What can I do have them created too ?


I still can’t find the option to have the “20040701.gif” files re-created :roll:

I have the same problem. The links to the 200409xx.gif files are created, but there are no daily files created (at least I can’t find them) or uploaded. Is it possible to re-create the daily files?

I still can’t find how to have these files re-created :cry:

i will look into this soon
just been very busy lately

this works ok now (the day stamped files are created in the webfiles folder) in version 10.17j beta
ready soon


  1. With version 10.20v, when selecting VIEW > Average Extreme > Recreate av/ext web page, the daily .GIF files are well re-created for the selected month (in the web folder), but there are no data on the graphs (no lines at all).

  2. Is there an option to upload the re-created files of a month (.htm + .gif) from WD ? Or is it necessary to upload them “manually” ?



About my previous unanswered question 1), you can -if you want- have a look to this page to understand what I am talking about :

What must I do to have the graph files linked to this page be recreated WITH THE DATAS (the datas are on the .htm pages, but are not on the graphic files) ?

Any idea ?

yes you need to manualy upload those files…you can use the manual upload, under setup, control panel, ftp/internet setup, manual upload
when you go to view, graph history, and then choose october, is there data there in that month?

Yes : when I go to view > graph history > and then choose october, whatever day I choose, the datas are correctly displayed on all the graphs…

So, why these datas are not on the graphs of the daily GIF files recreated when selecting VIEW > Average Extreme > Recreate av/ext web page ???


I still don’t have any answer to this problem after 6 weeks… Could you please have a look to this problem ?

Many thanks,
