Artificial Rain

We got some unexpected precipitation today in the form of a sprinker… Apparently, my wife forgot about the 6ft post in the yard with the weather station ISS unit on it and turned on a portable sprinkler so that it … rained… It was a pretty good rain for around here here… 1.88in in about 20 minutes… At least I know the rain gauge works now as we have had no rain up to this point.

I went to reset the value in WD but can’t figure out how. I sent to view correct… but the section where you adjust the rain doesn’t do anything for the month and if I give it a day, it says there is no log for it yet.

Do I need to change all the individual log entries in the upper section instead?

What other changes will I need to make?

Try setup, barometer setup, other setups, rainfall setup, and set all to zero.