Are you happy with your WMR 968 weather station?

Today I found the wind speed sensor didn’t turn when there was wind. Outside temp. is approximately minus one degree.
The rain gauge tipping device was frozen.
Is it the same for you. My station is 2 years old.

My WMR928 is OK so far (nearly two years old). Have you had some freezing rain that’s seized everything up?

I had a OS-968 for a couple of years.

After 10 months of operation my 928N is working fine - apart from a bit of snow stopping the anemometer once, but that is such a rarity here lol

The batteries are still fully charged in the instruments - none have failed yet. Last Feb when I installed the station temps were quite a bit below freezing but didn’t have much rain to see if the guage froze up. Will see what happens this Winter.

For me it has been a good station to start recording weather data with - and I hope it will go on doing so until I can upgrade to a Davis :slight_smile:

Am I happy with it?? Well the jury is still out on that one.

Spiders and wasps seem to be a common cause on this forum!

But this is good - right? That’s better than it’s specified to be.

I posted this some time ago.

[quote]Some observations of my Oregon Scientific CableFree

I’ll check for that this weekend when I take it down but I think it maybe moisture related. This morning I received a email alert about heavy rainfall so it must have stored the data and sent it this morning. If it is I’ll dip the board in the rain gauge in wax to seal it up and / or reseal the transmiter and hope it cures the problem.

Thanks for the help :smiley:

Well, I guess I’m late to this party, but I’m a pretty satisfied OSI owner. My only complaint is regarding the lack of accuracy of the raingauge, but part of that is my fault for not properly leveling it. We don’t get real freezes here, so I’ve never had problems with any of the moving parts stopping up.
