APRS Servers

Have the APRS server addresses changed from the default WD rotations? My uploads to all the default servers are not getting through…(they’re timing out) since last evening. I manually entered aprsca.net, port 23, as the server to use, and uploads go through.

We have had the same… but it is due to severe packet loss at several of the Level3 network routers. It has been effecting getting here as well.

yes, the aprs servers have trouble, and yes, they keep chaning the default servers to rotate too
good you found one that works
(and I am getting emails saying you broke it fix it…its not my fault, i am innnocent!)

Thanks for the replies!..I thought that maybe I had missed a notice that the server addresses had changed. I’ve been working out of state for the last 3 1/2 weeks so I’m just catching up. The aprsca.net server seems to be accepting my packets at 15 min. intervals for the last 2 or 3 hours. I guess I’ll leave well enough alone, and try the default ones in a few days to see if they’re up.

Hi Brian,

        I have been getting drop outs of my APRS data again.  I have been using abhubwest as the server entry point for my citizen weather station data.   Thinking that the server was part of the problem, I decided to do a search on the web for APRS servers and found a list of APRS-Internet Servers at www.aprs-is.net/APRSServers.htm .   

         I then set up the APRS page in weather display to use second.aprs.net (port 23) and alternately third.aprs.net (port 23).  Also it is possible to use rotate-filter.aprs.net (port 23) and this rotates addresses between second, third and fourth aprs servers.  These servers are apparently the core servers for internet data entry to the APRS system.  Ahubwest.net doesn't appear on this list of APRS server sites so maybe ahubwest in no longer a server or maybe a very minor server, that is, neither a core nor primary server, nor even a second tier server.  

         Since I have switched to these core servers I have had no more drop outs of APRS data appearing on the findu.com website.  You might want to pass along this information to any of the citizens weather stations who are using less reliable servers (such as ahubwest.net, et cetera).  Apparently, there are the core or primary servers and then the second tier servers listed on that above referenced web site which seem to be much more reliable.
