Anything Weather yet again

For the last 3 days Anything Weather states my station is not reporting? It shows Anything Weather is getting updated via FTP ok. Anyone still using these guys?

Just checked mine. Working like a champ. Checked daily and monthly and all is good. I was having trouble with my clientrawrealtimeftp, but switched to passive mode and that took care of it.

i just checked mine and its OK

It states in the fullftp log file that I can no longer log in??? I checked my user-name and password and directory and nothing has changed. Any suggestions.

Anyone have an email contact to anything weather?

The reason I couldn’t login was they accidentally deleted my account :frowning: I got that resolved but no data is showing up so it appears that there is still a problem on their end. For those of you that uploads work is the data current. I used to be able to log in a couple of minutes after the upload and there was the data. Now even when mine is uploading the data is roughly 1-2 and sometimes 3 hours behind. I also notice that about a third of my uploads do not show up? I thought an updated file was uploaded every time including all the days data? Suggestions?

they are still to action the new system change…should be in a few weeks time

I’m trying to be patient but that’s just not me. :?