Another newbie weather page

Greetings to all,

Newbie here so may as well plug my new weather station data page :slight_smile:

still tweaking the colours and things on Weather Display (FAB program Brian!)

just waiting for it to rain to get some realtime rain data going (4 days without rain now in my bit of the UK 8O ).

Always liked the weather - used to get really hot summers and cold snowy winters many moons ago now it mostly seems to be warm and wet most of the year!!

I even went Stormchasing in the USA in 2002 - people said I was mad :lol:

I have a page about that on my website as well (

Will stop wittering on now!

Nice site, and that storm chasing thing looked really fun(I haven’t had time to look at all of the photos and stuff yet). It is bad when you can fly thousands of miles to do it, but I don’t just wait for a “wild” spring day and do it myself. :oops:

Will stop wittering on now!
Don't ever do that, I am proof that you can do that all the time and no one will say anything (at least not to your face 8) )



I’m seeing double.
I have a suggestion to make your new page cleaner.

The same data that you have in your drop down boxes is the same
data and graphics that you are already showing on a continuous
main weather page.

You can either do away with some of the drop down box stuff or
you could remove some stuff from the main page and let people
select the images with the drop downs.


All sorted, the drop down menu has bitten the dust :slight_smile:

Ahh, much better.

I love the idea of putting pictures of your statiion on the page. Cool.

I have the same idea but I’m going to provide a link to my
photo website and a Weather Station folder. I did a unique
mount for my rain guage that some want to see. But first I
need to get out there on a nice day and take some digital pictures.


Hi again all,

after running WD for 2 months now I decided to revamp my webpage layout.

Instead of one long page, all the data is now split into separate pages accesed via a menu at the top.

Hope you all enjoy the new look.


Looking good :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

… but then I am a sucker for the color blue :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=150]Great Website Martyn.[/size]


just a quickie to say I have resurrected a weather webcam on my site so now you can see a boring view of some houses and trees and the sky :smiley:

Hi Martyn,
Regarding your webcam pop-up window; is that generated with the built in WD webcam application. I quite like the weather data layout at the bottom. :slight_smile:

i like that too, good work!

hi, well the popup window itself is javascript generated - but yes the contents of the little webpage is a custom page generated by WD from wxlocal2.html so that I can have the data values generated from custom tags.

Glad you like it :slight_smile:

Simple yet effective. Thanks for that. :slight_smile:

Very nice! I’ve wanted to do a menu structured site but never quite got there…

A bit more tinkering - the colours on the main page were a bit “in your face” and garish - so changed the layout and toned down the colours a bit.

Also basically an excuse to try out some javascript to change the colour of the temperature text depending on how hot or cold it is - how sad is that?!?!

Also signed up to CWOP as I realised it is not just for those in the USA !

Anyway - nightshift over - time for bed!

I like your website. in fact I liked it so much I’ve lifted your Javascript to change the colour of the temperature and placed it in my site, I hope you don’t mind. I’ve left the source with your name as the author and admitted to plagerising it. I’m still new at this as I’ve only had my weather station for 6 weeks.