I have added month122004.inf to my database, the problem is that this inf file does not have the solar data in it. The other monthextra122004.inf and monthextravp122004.inf do nothing when selected to add to the database, no errors and no progress bar active just nothing happens. I’m assuming one of these has the solar data. How can I get the solar history records into the database?
ah, yes, that is the problem, i do not have it working that way (to get the solar data into the mysql database from the missed overnight data, as its stored in those other extra data files))…but I could get that incorporated, yes
Just to clarify the missing overnight data is all of the overnight data, there are no records at all when I startup in the morning added to the month file so I have nothing between shutdown at say 23:13 and startup at 07:45.
In order to get the old data into MySQL when I initially load MySQL I need to be able to add the solar data from these other files as well as the main stuff from the month file.
So I guess what is needed is
- fix it so the archive loaded at start up is correctly populated into the relevant month files (all 3)
- perhaps add populating MySQL if it is running when processing the archive records at startup
- fix it so that when initially loading MySQL you can add data from all 3 month records
I’ve had a few beers tonight, so I may be missing something here. Surely overnight solar readings will be fairly predictable?
OK, we have two separate issues here, one is there is no way to add solar data when you populate MySQL for the first time, the other is since no data is added to the month files at start up (when it reads the missing data from the logger) there is no way to add this data to MySQL :roll:
are you sure that the solar data is not being retrieved by wd for the down time?
i have not seen that here with short down periods, i,.e an hour or 2
I will have to do some tests for longer down periods, i.e like overnight
one thing to check:
under setup, control panel, solar setup, make sure you have ticked, store the solar reading as extra temp#4 for graphing (so that its stored in the .inf files)
Done that and yes it is checked.
As I said Brian when I add data from month122004.inf file to MySQL there are no records at all for the periods when WD is down overnight. I have tried deleting everything from MySQL and reloading the data from month122004.inf and I get hours of data missing everytime from when WD is down. I am talking absolutely nothing at all no records zilch, time jumps from say 23:15 to 07:31. So I assume that there is nothing being added to the month122004.inf file when WD starts up and reads the data from the logger. There is no way I can tell what is there as I have no way of knowing the format of the inf file. All I know is that I get no data for the down time at all into MySQL.
Do you have a program we could use to view the data in these .inf files? That might help us determine where the problem might lie and save you doing all the leg work!
Lets ignore the solar data for now as I need to do some more checking and I’ll open a new bug if I find a problem. I think it is confusing the issue right now over my missing data. Lets just sort the holes in my MySQL data first!
There is no way I can tell what is there as I have no way of knowing the format of the inf file.if you go to view, graph history, in WD, it uses that datafile if there is data there, for the missing period, then it is in that file I will do some testing and also get the mysql to update the missed data that has been extracted from the VP
it will take a bit of time, and its school holidays, at the moment, and spending some time with the kids
I hope you understand, and your patience is appreciated
I did that and the data is missing from the Graph History Real Time Graph, it jumps from just after midnight to just after 07:00 when I started up my PC today.
Brian I do understand and I appreciate your patience with me as well. Sometimes I engage mouth before brain… :roll: