:?: Guys
I have noticed an individual frame on my animated day that uploads that has a small cloud type icon instaed of a web image…
Whilst only a small annoyance, I am sure it can be fixed…
Any ideas how and why this occurs???
I have deleted the animatedwebcamday 1 and 2 files and when they create new ones the frame at 06.28am always defaults to a small cloud image???
you can see it at idweather.html
Many thanks
Ian D :?:
for the whole day animation?
yes, i get that too
and i am not sure why
good news though, the pop up window showing the web cam for that time of day now works Ok in the very latest version (when you move the mouse over the wind/baro or wind direction graphs)
and also tick every minute, under the time stamped web cam files switch, in the control panel, web cam setup…so you get every minute image shown…and then you can scroll through the whole day as you move the mouse over the graph…even go backwards!!
this is a really neat feature
I will try and get it onto the temperature graph too…
and i need to have the window auto disappear after you move off the graph area…
and have option to use teh jpg time stamped file (if you have ticked to create jpg web cam files too in the web cam capture or 3rd party web cam setup)