I have posted the below thread over in the NZ weather forum and as I am a avid WD fan I was wondering what you all thought of my idea? Also, ricky (NZ forum member) and I were wondering about the possibility of adding some audio graphing/oscilloscope code to WD to create a seperate graph that would measure lightning generated “sferics”… have a read of the below and see what you guys reckon… Brian, love to know what you think?
from NZ weather forum:
"Gidday guys…
Have been thinking about this all day and initial experimaents are quite promising…however, I am interested to hear your opinions…
I have a old multiband reciever 30khz - 30Mhz which is capable of recieving “sferics” from local TStorms. What i have done is taken a line out from the reciever to my PC’s sound card and utilised my soundblaster software to view the incoming signal. Interestingly, it will pick up the 9000V DC pulse of my farms electric fence and show a "regular “spike” on the audio signal level display in time with the fence pulse… do you guys reckon it could show a sferic in the same way? And if so, I am guessing it is possible to record the line signal over a specific event, and thus have a record of all sferic activity during the TS event. Obviously I need to have my electric fence turned off to ensure minimal interference and flase readings.
I am not sure if it will work or if it means anything, but would be interested in what you guys think?"
interesting idea
maybe if you boosted the signal, and then if you inputed it into a labjack, which has a mv voltage input…and then wd could monitor that signal?
ricky has one of those
but you could also get one of the dallas 1 wire lightning counters, from hobby boards…and use a dallas 1 wire adaptor or a labjack…
but if money is rarely scared…your way would be cheaper…but how would you get the data to wd??
My wife blames you for my sudden obsession with the weather and all things related!!! lol
Hmmm, not sure how to interface the data to WD… am awaiting further inspiration… ricky is talking to mea bout the concept over ont heNZ Weather forum… he knows the ways! How about if you wrote or “acquired” some code for a software scope and wrote that into a seperate window in the WD “view” section? This could then be used to monitor the “line in” port on the PC soundcard? I am not sure how the scope data could then be converted to a analog graph tho…
Yeah, the 1 wire system is probably easiest, but I was just having a play around and the graphical representation on the scope of the “spikes” is quite cool…
I’d love a Boltek!! 8O
PS : Ricky reckons this way could be very useful for long range sferic detection…