Amazing web cam software that could be part of WD !

download the demo from here:

it should auto find your web cam (as long as no other software using it)
its better than web cam 32 someone commented.
(note, becuase its demo, it does strange things (like stops working at times, etc)

problem is, its an expensive component for me to purchase.
but if i got a few donations from people who would like to see it incorporated into wd then I will add it!

Does it have a name? :slight_smile:

Where did you get it from.

it has live video streaming, motion detection, you name it!

I’m assuming this is something you purchase and integrate into your software rather than people having to buy as a separate product. Although it could/would be an option that is turned on or off depending.

You most likely need the full source package right ?

I don’t have a webcam yet, (actually I do but it is a piece of #@%@ that only cost $12 but I don’t use). I’ve been looking at the possibility of a regular CCD video camera with some sort of video interface board in the computer for processing.

What I really want is a camera up on a mast that I can pan, tilt and zoom remotely from… but that is going to be in next years budget.

I might be able to throw some money at you for this in my budget next year as well. But it is too late for this year.

yes, its a component that I integrate in WD
other good thing is it accepts video as well as normal web cam devices

Tell me how to donate…I’ll send ya some money…

if you have paypal,then maybe send me 5$ to email address
[email protected]
(i.e log into
and then use the send money
I.e this would be for people who have a web cam and would see a real benifit in better quality images in WD and the other features too.


I sent my contribution as you should have it by now from PayPal.

hey, look at that, the ball has started rolling
thanks losmon!

Looking at their software it has a lot of possibilities for direct connect cameras…

Now, onward to incorporate Network Cameras someday without using 3rd party stuff.

Very easy to do…almost to easy :slight_smile:

Good one Brian, I like it. My webcam picture using that program looks quite good.
$$ sent

I hope you have had enough $$ come in?

thanks to all the donations!!!
I have the live network streaming working:
I will leave it going for a test:
see here:


for a little while
(well I can see it on the wifes/kids PC OK m but its on the same router)

I have nearly finished integrating this into WD now

if no one can see it, then it must be a firewall/router thing…
any experts out there on those issues and what i must set in the router?

Here’s what I am seeing…


Make that mms://

did you see it working 41 south?
which URL?
and dan?

i have stopped it now
(and now trying to get it working from within wd)

Sorry - my ROFL was at Dans “Here’s what I am seeing…” picture .

I have tried the mms:// url but I get a message from Windows media player that the server is not responding.

well, i have stopped it at the moment
but you also need to click on the play button on that media player window
i will set it going again in a bit, will let you know