Alas summer is over for me

Yep, tomorrow at 5:30 am, my day changes as I fall out of bed. :cry:

School is upon me, new kids , :roll: Have to reconfigure my email settings so I can at least see what is happening with the weather .

Seems the only salvation is awaiting WDL 2 , now that is going to be fun.

Now All I have to do is find my security card, id card, keys, and leave the duck hat on the desk . :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Arghh kiddies here I come Arghhhhhhhh :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

How goes the interstate project over in Des Moines?

Talk about your traffic headaches.

(Grow up in Indianola and moved back there for a few years.)

Yep, tomorrow at 5:30 am, my day changes as I fall out of bed. :cry:
Oh, I know just what you mean, it's bad enough after 2 weeks, must be terrible after, what is it, 3 months vacation :roll:

Not quite 3 months. I basically sat on my tush and enjoyed my weather station and boards, the separation anxiety is terrible. :cry:

the interstate is terrible. It makes no sense. Just before school starts, they close 1/2 of 63rd street to redo 1/2 of the I 35 bridge. My mother in law and others are going to have most of their front yard removed for a turning lane. Peachy.

Then the 35th street in Des Moines ( not WDM) is closed for that bridge is being replaced. And so it goes back to I80. the 6th Avenue bridge is out because it is being replaced. I suppose the whores on 6th avenue are having a time getting to and from downtown.

Anywayā€¦ some nerd person wanted to run a road from Sec Taylor stadium north to almost Douglas at MLK. So they dug out grand avenue ( removing central campusā€™s parking lot. The kids have to either walk a bit or be shuttled in there) put in a bridge that goes under the new grand bridge near Fleur Drive. There it travels over the Racoon River by the water plant, turns sharply east and on to Sec taylor. hence fleur drive is now 1 lane each way through a big mess onthe flood plain. That will be peachy when the river floods I canā€™t see howthe water will drain, but then againā€¦

So Indianola? At least one can get to and from. What else? OH . they have a new mall just inside Dallas County ā€œJordon Creekā€ so we have moved into the 21st century. What else. S. Ridge is hurting. Younkers at Merle hay was torn down. They moved tothe old Monkey Ward building.

Finally theIowa events center to replace vets is blocking most of 2nd ,3rd and fourth streets.

I bet Brian doesnā€™t have this much nonsense to deal with. Ah, the thrill of getting to and from work is about much fun as knocking ice off the anemometer in a blowing blizzard. :wink:

Sounds like I should be really really glad that I movedā€¦ although much of Omaha is torn up as well.

Thanks for the news!

Sounds like I should be really really glad that I moved... although much of Omaha is torn up as well.

Thatā€™s what you get for living on the wrong side of the riverā€¦ :wink:

After your other post, I checked out Carterlake on Street Atlasā€¦ very interesting. How did it get sliced out like that?

If you look at the Southwest border of New Jersey, there is a small piece of Delaware on the NJ side of the river. Can occasionally win a bet with that one.

After your other post, I checked out Carterlake on Street Atlas.. very interesting. How did it get sliced out like that?

Well, we was on a wagon train headinā€™ west andā€¦

(fade out)

(Basically the river changed itā€™s channel and Nebraska has crappy lawyers. The plus side for us is that we live in Nebraska and pay HALF the taxes as our neighbors.)