Adding weather for you forcast html?

I would like to add the weather for you 7 day forcast to my web site. I have added the html codes for this to my datahtm1 but it does not stay there when weather display does an upload. I would like the forcast to be the second thing on my web page (right under the summary.gif). Can someone please tell me where I need to put the HTML code for this to work like I want?

Also THANKS to those of you who helped me with getting WD to sign online by itself. I finally have that problem fixed and I am happy to report that my site is updated every half hour. Thanks again :smiley:

You can’t add anything to datahtm1 as it will revert to the way it was at the next upload :o [Brian has designed it this way] :?
You can add to datahtm0, datahtm2, datahtm3.
If you add anything to datahtm2 it will also be overwritten unless you
tick let me manage the datahtm2 file on the webfiles page. 8)