Access violation (2)

ERROR: Access violation at address 0041ACC4 in module ‘WeatherD.exe’. Read of address 00000010 at time/date 01:15:11 11/4/04

This happens about every two days. Causes WinXP to shut down WD. WD is set to ftp every 15 minutes. Wunderground, CWOP and WDL are still functioning.

an error like that i have found is due to a pointer in an array going out of range, and then starting at a negative value…and that then makes that position in the array out of range,…
but what i will do is change the variable from a integer to a word, so that it does not go negative…
(and upload a new version)

Could you let me know how this one was solved as it apears to be the same error message that I get. Paul