100% cpu (2)

Just loaded WD ver 10.19n. The cpu usage has shot up to 100%.
I have reloaded ver 10.19g and it is back to 10 to 35%.

are you saying your system pegs 100% and stays there?

It might be your system is underspec’d Mine basically sits at 0-5% and jumps up to 60-80% for a quick spurt when something is churning. The box is basically doing nothing but WD though.

What are the specs of your system and what else are you running on it?

when did you download that version?
(i.e try a new download)
(as there was 1 version that did that, at the first minute change, after i added dannish VP forecast translation, and that made a procedure too large, and then so i had to split that part out into a separate procedure

Yep Brian, that works again. It must be a head ach, programing. Change one thing and b…g up another…
I am using the one wire for the solar display - is it very hungary on the cpu? When solar is read the cpu can hit as high as 90 to 100%, but otherwise the cpu usage goes up to about 50%+

you must have just caught that version (it was only there for 30 minutes or so!)
yes, but this time i knew what had happened, as it had happened to another procedure just recently

1 wire routines:yes, they are cpu intensive…
i use a labjack, which is USB based, and its fast and no cpu use…
and it has a ADC converter …so you can hook up a solar sensor to it
and even the dallas 1 wire lightning counter (which i now have working on page 14 for counts correctly (some 1 wire counters use page 14 instead of page 15 (dont confuse with a page 3 girl)

I didn’t know that Page 3 girls were a worldwide phenomenon!