1 Wire TAI-8570 Setup Help, Please

Hi everyone,

I have entered 1 wire hell. I’m trying to setup a TAI-8570 pressure sensor. I have tested the module with the AAG test program and every thing works good. My current 1 wire network is up and running fine with a version 3 AAG station. The problem comes in when I hook in the pressure sensor. Weather display never sees the sensor. Also, I have tried the 100 ohm resistor trick with no better results. I am using Cat5 UTP wire. My 8570 has 2 ROM ID’s and I don’t have a clue where to manually enter them. Can someone please start at the begining on how to set this thing up.

Eric :frowning:

wd does not list it like it does for other 1 wire sensors
it uses a separate .exe program to read it
simply tick you have a aag barometer
then click on reset it
then wait and then it should show info about it
and or restart wd
and then it should find it and show the data a few minutes affter starting up (note, it "freezes"when getting the calibration data)

I did find that when setting up my 1-wire net I had to manually add some rom ids. I had used Arnes WServer for testing so I have all the ids in that setup file to copy over. :wink:

Thanks for the replies Guys,

When I had it in the network, I checked “I have an AAG Baro” and I saw the baro program run. I then left it for about an hour and rebooted…still no barometer. Then I found the baro program in WeatherDisplay and ran it, it said “no device found” or something similar. I don’t know what to try next. I do know my serial port hub and wiring are good because the AAG test program finds it and getsa reading. Any ideas?

Thanks so much,

Eric :cry:

the no device found by the aagbaro.exe is the problem
try , if you can, just having the aag barometer on the network only , and see if it finds it…it probably will…

It’s working. The only way WD would see it was if I ran the AAG test program first and then let WD detect it. I had not been running the AAG test program on my PC with WD on it. I won’t argue with the results of doing it this way.

Thanks for all the help! :smiley:

Only problem now is, it doesn’t seem to take an offset when I try to give it one in the setup…Hmmmm