1-wire lightning protection

Does anyone have some suggestions for lightning protection on the 1-wire network. I’ve lost 5 - 6 DS9097U’s over the last 2 years and just lost a lightning detector and solar sensor to a nearby strike. I built the Philip Gladstone protection setup for protecting the DS9097U, but that apparently didn’t help me with the last strike. It’s getting too $$ to keep the 1-wire network up and running. It seems that most people aren’t having a problem and the area I’m in, NE PA USA, isn’t prone to an exceptional amount of TRW’s. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. I’m considering replacing the CAT5 cable with shielded CAT5 cable. Any thoughts on that.


:smiley: :?


dang, you have had some bad luck!
yes, the Cat5 shielded I think would help more
how long is the run?
try even connecting the reurn (earth) wire in the 1 wire line to a actual earth peg that you have put in yourself…near to the PC…that way any induced current will go to earth