I have been having a lot of problems getting my dallas 1-wire system to run with WD.
Are there any tricks I should know about using 1-wire system with WD? Serial port settings, etc.?
I removed the Barameter to avoid confusion.
One problem is that WD seems to get stuck after about 12 hours.
The data receive and data quality just stay green.
After “Reset/save” from the 1-wire setup screen WD starts making measurements again.
I have checked all the devices with the AAG test programs and can not find any problems.
Currently using 18d but plan to update to most current versio today and see if things work better.
Running 750Mhz P3, 256MB RAM, WinXP Pro, dedicated to WD.
Any suggestions welcome.
and thats why I have use the Icon I have on the view panel for the dallas 1 wire setup
what sort of microlan arrangement do you have?
ie design, etc
do you use a Ilink adaptor?
Are there any errors reported in the error log of WD?
I am have much of the same problems since updating to ver f.
tomsoar, are you using a aag baro?
try running without that connected, as a test
(and until you have one in wd)
No… I am not using the AAG Baromenter, using the older one. As I said earlier, the program sees all the roms, it just does not want to display the data. I also had some of that problem of showing the Davis Weather Monitor II when it should have been locking in with the AAG.
email me your settings file
wdisplay.ini and wdisplayftp.reg from the folder databack up, after going action, back up registry entry now
i suspect something is amiss
i have a dallas 1 wire station here
Version 18f does not fix the problem.
I have tried clean installs several times.
The programerrorlog.txt file has the following:
Resetting rain daily value , day: 18
Resetting wind/temperature daily value , day: 18
Resetting rain daily value , day: 19
Resetting wind/temperature daily value, day: 19
The WD program seems to slow down, drop down menues slow down and stuff like that.
Then WD seems to to just stop reading data.
After about two to ten hours the following messages show in the 1-wire info screen:
No Wind Device
No Wind Device
No Rain Device,will reset
No Wind Device
No Wind Device
No Rain Device,will reset
No Wind Device
After a reset and save things start working again.
I just have the standard serial port adapter.
Should I get the ilink adapter?
No Wind Device No Wind Device No Rain Device,will reset No Wind Device No Wind Device No Rain Device,will reset No Wind Device
thats sounds like not a very healthy microlan
note, there are many WD 1 wire users and things are OK 99% of the time.
yes, if you are keen, the i link adaptor might just fix o make things much better
i did add an option to do a reset daily…but i think it causes more problems than it solves
Have you tried using the 3.21 Tmex viewer and see if the Rom id’s are all appearing ?
Are all your sensor multidrop across the data and gnd lines ( using CAT 5 cable ) ?
Have you got up to date drivers for you motherboard etc… ?
Just built another P4 machine ( had heaps of problem with the serial ports because the driver were not up to date for the mother board )
thats rocketmans WD running with lots of 1 wire sensors, being going just dandy for 4 days now
on a older pc with win98
I will try to get my readings out later. Like linctech my program menues have slowed down. Using XP on the computer.
This sounds like a one-wire lan problem. The signal coming in sounds marginal and WD can “grab” them. but looses them as time goes by. Have you checked memory usage to see if the memory is creeping high? If it weren’t for new updates and general tinkering with WD and updates, mine would run for weeks.
What kind of cabling are you using?
The one-wire network will work with Wserver but not Wdisplay. The program sees the roms and keeps counting for data received, it just does not display the data. I can switch over to my Weather Monitor ll and it works with that. Kind of thinking about delating the whole program and reloading it.
The program sees the roms and keeps counting for data received, it just does not display the data. I can switch over to my Weather Monitor ll and it works with that. Kind of thinking about delating the whole program and reloading it.Tom, that sounds like its not configured correctly can you copy/paste what appears where it finds the rom id's into a post here? or even a screen shot of that setup page
I have used the AAG test program and all the ROMs show up and read without a problem.
I had the AAG test program log data for several hours without any problems.
All the sensors are multidrop across the data (blue) and gnd (white/blue) lines using CAT 5 cable that is about 15-meters long.
I checked for updated drivers for the MB but did not find anything except for IDE drivers.
Thanks for the suggestions.
it could be one of a number of things, even a drop in power supply to the pc at certain times of the day
i would try running that other test comparison program for 24 hours to then be comparing apples with apples
[quote author=tomsoar link=topic=5820.msg38237#msg38237 date=1098289264]
The program sees the roms and keeps counting for data received, it just does not display the data.
I see another post about Win XP Pro SP2 and wonder if this could be an SP2 issue.
Are there others using XP Pro with SP2?
I found a bios upgrade for the MB and did that. Also Ohm_ed out all my connections.
Will run overnight and see if it slows to a stop again.
Thanks for suggestions.